Official name: Arab Republic of Egypt
Territory: 1 001 450 sq. Km.
Population: 77,498,000 people
Capital: Cairo
Official language: Nubian Arabic
Monetary unit: Egyptian pound
Telephone code: +20
Time Zones: UTC +2
Egypt is the oldest cradle of human civilization. There is definitely something to see here. This ancient country is known, above all, the majestic monuments of ancient culture. The age of some of them reaches five thousand years! Among them are such masterpieces of sculpture and architecture as the temple complexes in Karnak and Luxor, monuments of Byzantine and Coptic architecture in Alexandria, the Fayum Labyrinth (which has about 3 thousand rooms), the colossi of Abu Simbel.
The coast of the Red Sea is a tourist Mecca of Egypt. The peculiarity of the Red Sea is that no river flows into it, so the water in it is crystal clear, very warm, and even in winter its temperature rarely drops below +18 degrees, and in summer it reaches +27 degrees. The high temperature of the water and its transparency create ideal conditions for the development of underwater flora and fauna, as well as a very, very attractive place for diving.
Hot subtropical continental. Hot summers and warm winters with little precipitation. Average annual air temperature (° C):
Egyptian pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops at Giza
The oldest and at the same time the only preserved miracle of the world. It received its name by the name of its creator - Pharaoh Cheops (2551 - 2528 BC).
Because of its huge size, it is sometimes called the Great Pyramid and placed first on the list of wonders of the world. Apart from the Great Wall of China, the pyramid of Cheops is the largest structure ever built by man. In ancient times, the pyramid of Cheops reached 146 meters, now the upper part of the pyramid is destroyed and its current height is 137 meters.Egyptian Pyramid of Khafre
Rises at a distance of about 160 meters from the pyramid of Cheops. Its height is 136.6 meters (previously 143.5), and the length of the side is 210.5 meters. Visually, the pyramid of Khafre, retaining 22 rows of facing, seems to be higher than the pyramid of Cheops. The effect is achieved due to the fact that its base is at a higher level. In general, from those points that carry tourists, the pyramid of Khafre seems to be the center of the whole ensemble. The uniqueness of this structure lies in the fact that it is the smallest building in the world of all discovered to date. This pyramid was called "Khafre great." Of course, it justifies this characteristic. The buildings adjacent to it are also worthy of the name. The size of the surviving structures surpass all other known buildings of this kind, belonging to the period of the Old Kingdom.
Egyptian Pyramid of Mikerina
The smallest and most "junior" of all three pyramids of the Giza complex. Pyramid of Mikerin, grandson of Cheops, is located 200 meters from the pyramid of Khafre. Its height is 62 meters, and the length of the side is about 109 meters. It was built over 4,500 years ago. In its original form, the pyramid was about 4 m higher than it is now. Due to sand deposits protecting the lower part of its lining, the length of the sides of the pyramid remained unchanged. Ancient historians considered it the most beautiful of all the pyramids.
Egyptian Museum in Cairo
The majestic building, which contains the largest collection of Egyptian art in the world In more than a hundred rooms and galleries are about 150 thousand exhibits: giant sculptures depicting Amenhotep and his wife Tiyu; works of the Amarna period; the treasures of the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen; the hall of the royal mummies - the mummies of 11 pharaohs, including Ramses II, Thutmosis II and Seti I., are exhibited. Everything exhibited in the halls is unique and impresses with the skill of ancient artists and sculptors.
Valley of the Kings
In the mountains outside the city of Thebes begin numerous small valleys, the most famous of which is the Valley of the Kings, or the "Valley of the Royal Tombs of Biban el-Muluka": the tombs of Ramses IX, Ramses VI, Tutankhamun, Amenophis II, Tuthmosis III, Seti I. Once it there was a gorge, lost among a pile of rocks. Today, despite the fact that people have laid convenient roads here, it remains shrouded in a haze of mysterious mystery. -
Sharm el-Sheikh - the main resort in Sinai with good 5 and 4 star hotels, consisting of several villages. The most distant parts are Nabq and Sharks Bay. All nightly entertainment can be found in Naama Bay. Since the city lives entirely due to tourism, a friendly attitude and the availability of a full package of tourist services is included.
For registration and obtaining a visa to Egypt, for citizens of Uzbekistan, documents are submitted to the Egyptian Embassy in Tashkent.
For processing and obtaining a visa to Egypt for the citizens of Uzbekistan will need the following documents:
Documents issued by the tourist:- passport (with OVIR visa) + passport copy
- 2 biometric photos
- a copy of return air tickets
- certificate from work
- profileDocuments that draws the tour. firm:
- An invitation from an Egyptian tour. firms
- voucher confirmation
- letter addressed to the Consul